
Not bothering about creating an ubiquitous business language

This is always the most touchy subject is my personal experience. When engaging in a digital transformation, everyone is thinking about new ways to engage with customers and other stakeholders through apps, gadgets and APIs. Nobody really wants to talk about the soundness of the data being used and created via those channels. But what kind of customer experience are you trying to offer when the data is incorrect or unclear? The foundation of a solid customer experience is the soundness of the data. And what seems in practice to be the biggest cause of companies not having sound data? It is not the technology, but lacking a clear and consistent Business language. At the end of the day, technology only makes a translation of what the business wants it to do. If the business doesn’t set these business concepts clearly, who will? Do you trust your developers they will define business concepts correctly for you? And yes, setting such business language is a hard, maybe even unreachable goal, because it can become very theoretical and philosophical. But there is also a practical approach to setting a business language that really makes the difference. So, if your organization wants to really distinguish itself from all other digital transformations taking place, focus on what they are (almost) all neglecting.

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